Remembering Teachers & Staff

Students 1960s

Students 1970 – present

Staff Members

The following are Teachers & Staff members who have passed away.

Please advise us of any errors or admissions.

Table is sortable by clicking on the column heads.

Updated April 5, 2024

First Name Last Name Years at KCSS
Ashley Pat 1974-1986
Bagg Carol 1978-1981
Brown Sue 1971-1981
Buchholz Wolfe 1980-2000
Carruthers Andy 1980-1984
Christie Peter 1964-1986
Cooke Gerry 1965-1982
Creelman Graham 1964-1968
Dubar Ruth 1963-1986
Engelbert Eric 1962-1969
Etele Dr. Anthony 1961-1962
Evans (Ivanofsky) Dr. Leslie 1962-1967
Ferguson Tom 1962-1979
Fligg George 1970-1987
Fraser Gary 1976-1997
Fry (Constable) Anne 1966-1971
Gondor Ilona 1963-1981
Hashem Noreen 1963-1987
Henderson Peter 1967-1994
Henry Warren 1988-1990
Hogg Ruth 1967-1983
Jarman Harry 1974-1981
Kofler Sue 1982-1983
Krol Bob 1978-1983
Lanaway Muriel 1965-1974
Lindeblom Stan 1971-1987
Llewellyn Carl 1969-1978
MacDonald Margaret 1968-1986
MacDonald Walter 1970-1976
Mallory Mike 1985-2014
Marsh Frank 1961-1985
McLeod Norm 1990-1999
Mulcahey Carl 1966-1981
O'Beirn B.T. 1961-1970
Olynyk Nestor 1961-1965
Parisani Joan 1968-1996
Posteuca Dr. Vasile 1962-1966
Roberts Joanne 1986-1988
Rowat Heather 1983-1992
Saheb Samir (Joe) 1967-1975
Sanderson Bob 1962-1986
Serjeantson Ed 1963-1997
Simpson Ron 1967-1976
Smereka Ed 1963-1987
Specht (Harvey) Marion 1961-1983
Sukman Jerry 1975-1981
Tanquiy Ed 1962-1969
Terry Edna 1972-1986
Turchin John 1961-1976
van Taack John 1975-1981
Wilson Bill 1962-1974
Wright Paul 1963-1966
Helen Wyer 1961-1965
Zopf Linda 1976-1982

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