Principals – 1961 to present


B.T. O'Beirn

1961–70 (9 years)


Bill Eckersley

1970-–78 (8 years)


Bob Krol

1978–83 (5 years)


Clyde Fawcett

1983–88 (8 years)

Rod Leonard

1988–1995 (7 years)

Rhynda Bulson

1995–2001 (6 years)

Jim McGugan

2001–04 (4 years)

Gary Michael

2004 (1 year)

Teresa Micone

2004–11 (7 years)

Tod Dungey

2011–2015 (4 years)

Catherine McGinley

2015–2019 (4 years)

Joseph D'Amico

2019– 2021 (2 years)

Helga Curry

2021– 2024 (3 years)

Raymond Fung

2024– present

King  City  Secondary  School – Semper Progrediens — Always Progressing

KCSS — Great People Worked Here!

The  Voice  of  King  City  Secondary  School  Alumni


The  Voice  of  King  City Secondary  School  Alumni


The  Voice  of  the

King  City Secondary  School Alumni