The Best to Lace Up the Skates


Pre-Formal Hockey Program

Art Moor (NED–IIHF) Forward (1965)

Bill Langdon Forward (1972)


Links to Junior & Pro Career Info in green + underline

Wade Serjeantson Forward (1990)

Mark Odorico Forward (1991)

Jack Hardill Forward (1993)

Dave Morgan Forward (1993)

Chris Webb Goal (1993)

T.J. Hill Forward (1993)

Kerri Rumble [F] Official (1994)

Deryk Hampton Defence (1994)

Rob  Ascenzi Forward (1995)

Jeff Ovens Forward (1995)

Mark Jackson Defence (1997)

Darryl Hely Forward (1997)

Marc Fortin Forward (2003)

Mark Trost [D] Defence (2003)

Daniel Lisi Forward (2008)

Alex Bontje Defence (2008)

Stefano Alonzi Forward (2009)

Carter Cummings Forward (2009)

Lucas Peressini Goal (2009)

Samantha Jones [F] Forward (2012)

Landis Antonic Forward (2015)

Noah Doyle Defence (2015)

Julia Pettella [F] Goal (2015)

Adrian Ludiciani Defence (2015)

Tyler Doyle Forward (2015)

Anthony Arnone Forward (2015)

Pearce Baker Defence (2015)

Cam Kokelj Forward (2015)

Steven Santaguida Goal (2016)

Carter Diceman Forward (2016)

Anthony Critelli Defence (2016)

Gabriel Pecchia Forward (2016)

Matthew Papais Forward (2016)

Lucas Ceccarelli Forward (2017)

Michael Termini Forward (2017)

Evan Roccatani Defence (2017)

Anthony Santaguida Goal (2017)

Since 1978/79  (year entered KCSS)

Bob Else Forward (1974)

Ken Griffith [D] Goal (1974)

Doug Fiorini Forward (1974)

Marlin Muylaert  Coach (1974)

Randy Spensley Forward (1974)

Harold DeGeer Goal (1974)

Bill Hanlon Forward (1975)

Doug Willson Forward (1975)

Jim Campbell Forward (1975)

Steve Nolan Defence (1976)

Jeff Poulis Forward (1976)

Doug Radies Forward (1976)

Drew Morning Forward (1977)

Glenn Manson Forward (1977)

Peter McNamara Forward (1977)

Dave McQuarrie Goal (1977)

Kent Atkins Forward (1978)

Graham Jones Forward (1978)

Glen Mullings Defence (1978)

Jim Van Noort Goal (1979)

Dave Loveridge Forward (1980)

Dave Bishop Defence (1980)

Harry Hoare Forward (1980)

Dave Koteff Forward (1980)

Brett Delmas Forward (1981)

Al Mackenzie Forward (1981)

Rich Artandi Goal (1981)

Keith Kitchen Defence (1981)

Paul Hampton Forward (1982)

Fred Rossi Forward (1984)

Jeff Olsen Defence (1985)

Ed Ayranto Forward (1985)

Bill Cober Forward (1986)

Pat Walsh Defence (1986)

Jim Reeves Forward (1987)

Brett Anderson Forward (1987)

David Pal Forward (1987)

Corey DiCarlo Goal (1987)

Jason DiCarlo Forward (1987)

Virgil Gazzola Defence  (1987)

Roberto Dalla Rosa Forward (1989)

Dave Silvestri Forward (1989)

James Featherstone Forward (1989)

Brad Weir Forward (1989)

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